Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, & meditation to facilitate deep healing and reduce stress & anxiety.

Do you want to reduce stress in 10 minutes?

Download a free, Reiki-infused, guided meditation to ground, center, and protect your energy with Archangel Michael.

Well hello there beautiful person

I’m Rebecca Schaffer and I invite you to join me on an uplifting, healing, magical journey back to wholeness. I know how hard it is to maintain a sense of balance in everyday life; most people are just chugging along in their daily lives -  going to work, taking care of the family, keeping up with their financial responsibilities, and trying to eat healthy and maintain their physical health. Trying is the key word. When you finally take some time for yourself, maybe you’re able to squeeze in a bubble bath, have dinner with a friend, binge a Netflix series, or read a book, but that’s not enough. 

It’s time to put an end to the stress cycle that keeps you stuck in the mundane and finally experience the ecstatic feeling of love that comes from connecting with your inner infinity - that is your birthright.

As a Reiki Master and Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, I have been able to help people reduce stress, live with more clarity, and connect more deeply with their gifts and desires. I want to help you too so you can experience deep healing and feel the strength and inner peace that go along with that.   

“Working with Rebecca has been amazing! The breakthroughs that I’ve had since my time with her have undoubtedly impacted my daily life for the better. Our chats prior to our meditation work and understanding why we were doing what we were doing each week was great. As were the notes and journaling at home. To think about where I was VS where I am today and the tools, support, and guidance throughout my journey is remarkable. Thank you for everything!”

Jodi G.-Embrace Your Bliss Client

Ways we can work together

Stress and anxiety can be debilitating and overwhelming, making you feel frazzled all the time with a constant pit in your stomach. Thankfully, you don’t need to live with those feelings and I can help you release them. I have helped many clients release and heal their stress and anxiety and I want to help you do the same, so you too, can feel at peace and in your power.

Embrace Your Bliss & Achieve Power & Peace

Join me on a 90-day Custom Healing Journey to Reduce Stress & Anxiety with Reiki & Kundalini Yoga.

Reiki Certification

Raise your frequency and learn how to channel Reiki to heal yourself and others.


Gather with us in Boca Raton, Florida, and the surrounding areas to harness the power of group energy and community

What can you expect when you work with me on your healing journey?

  • You will sleep better, feel lighter, and experience more ease and flow during your day-to-day.

  • When you work with me, I hold a safe and open space for you to express your emotions, vent, and get things out. It is a judgment-free zone where I am all ears for whatever you want to say or express.

  • You can expect to receive messages and guidance from Spirit, through me, that will provide you with aha moments, aligned guidance, and mystical experiences. All of this is to provide you with the exact healing you need.

  • You will be empowered to take your healing journey in your own hands by learning tools and strategies you can use when you need to cope with stress in your daily life

Integrate healing into your everyday life and feel your power and flow with Shamballa Reiki chakra activations, resources from my newsletter, or free Kundalini meditations.

Download Shamballa Reiki Activations

Clear and balance your chakras, invoke deep inner peace, and step into your power with Shamballa Reiki-infused activations

Sign up to the High Vibrations Energy Healing newsletter

Sign up to receive event invites, a free reiki-infused meditation, and extra support on your healing journey

Learn free Kundalini meditations

Learn free Kundalini meditations to reduce stress, invoke transformation, and raise your frequency

Get started right now by taking control of your emotions

The power is in your hands to control how you feel and experience life with more neutrality and inner peace. Take the first step right now by downloading my free Reiki-infused guided meditation to ground, center, and protect your energy with Archangel Michael.

The combination of Reiki and Archangel Michael’s assistance will help you reduce stress in 10 minutes. Sit back, close your eyes, and receive the healing you deserve.

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