Kundalini Cardio: How to Use Movement and Mantra to Manifest Your Deepest Desires
There is a special place our consciousness goes to and a new height our frequency reaches when we get our blood flowing just right while simultaneously tapping into sacred sound. The ideas flow like a river, we feel powerful, strong, and energized, and we exude the joy frequency from the inside out. The technique I’m about to share is a great complement to your yoga and meditation practice. This is also a great way to burn fat.

What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga uses mantra, meditation, pranayama (breathwork), mudras (hand positions), and asana (physical exercises), to clear out subconscious pain and toxicity that is stored in your physical body and energy field so that your Kundalini energy can be released and flow through you.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Two
The second body is the Negative Mind, your inner protection mechanism. This body helps give form to the creativity of your Soul Body with the gifts of containment, form, and discernment.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Three
The third body is the Positive Mind, your expansive mind that sees all of the possibilities surrounding you. It gives you a good sense of humor, playfulness, and optimism.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Four
The fourth body is the Neutral Mind, the Meditative Mind. The Neutral Mind takes in the information from the Negative and Positive Minds (as well as the other bodies) and analyzes the information from a compassionate and neutral space—within 9 seconds.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Five
The fifth body is the Physical Body, the temple where the other nine bodies play out their roles. It gives you the ability to balance all parts of your life.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Six
The sixth body is the Arcline, your halo and nucleus of your aura. The Arcline extends from earlobe to earlobe, across the hairline and brow. The Arcline is your projection, your radiance.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Seven
The seventh body is the Aura, the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body in the same way the earth’s magnetic field envelopes the earth. When it’s strong it acts as a container of your life-force, and lets it build up to a level where you feel confident and secure.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Eight
The eighth body is the Pranic Body, your life-force. Through your breath, your Pranic Body continuously brings the life-force and energy into your system. This allows you to feel fearless, fully alive, and at one with all of creation.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Nine
The ninth body is the Subtle Body, the body that helps you see beyond the mundane and into the sublime universal oneness that surrounds us. When your Subtle Body is strong, you have great patience and calmness and there are no mysteries in your life.

Tantric Numerology and Self-Mastery Series: Part Ten
The tenth body is the Radiant Body, which gives you a projection of beautiful, radiant light that extends out 9 ft from your body on all sides. When this body is strong, you project a royal essence, you’re magnetic, and command respect from all who know you.